Location | Name | Urls |
UA, Odessa | TELEMATIKA ISP | http://www.telematika.net |
UA, Kharkov | Valor ISP | http://www.vl.kharkov.ua |
UA, Kharkov | ArgoSoft LTD, ISP | http://www.argosoft.ua |
UA, Simferopol | InfoHolding Ltd | http://www.infoukr.com |
UA, Sebastopol | InfoHolding Ltd | http://www.info-net.com.ua |
UA, Dnepropetrovsk | InfoHolding Ltd | http://www.info-net.biz |
UA, Donetsk | InfoHolding Ltd | http://www.info-ua.net |
UA, Kiev | Sprava Ltd | http://www.sprava.biz |
UA, Kharkov | KSK Computer Club | http://ksk.kh.ua |
UA, Kharkov | Scana, ISP | http://www.scana.com.ua |
UA, Kharkov | Mezzo-Forte, ISP. | http://www.mzf.net.ua |
UA, Nikolaev | Business Support Center Ltd. ISP | http://www.biz.mk.ua |
UA, Kharkov | TechNauchService SPE Ltd. Internet, network | http://www.tnss.kharkov.ua |
UA, Kharkov | Navigator Internet Club | http://www.nv.kharkov.ua |
UA, Kiev | Goodwin Online ISP | http://www.g.com.ua |
UA, Kharkov | Ukrainian Information Company ISP | http://www.uaic.net |
UA, Kharkov | International Bank of Communications ISP | http://www.bigline.net |
UK, Milton Keynes MLO | SafeNames, Ltd. ICANN Accredited Registrar | http://www.safenames.net |
UA, Zaporizhzhe | Express, Ltd. ISP | http://www.express.net.ua |
UA, Odessa | Private deyta, ISP, Home Internet | http://www.merlin.com.ua |
UA, Makeevka | PIK, Ltd., ISP | http://www.icm.dn.ua |
UA, Zaporizhzhe | Media Link Ukraine, Ltd., ISP & ITSP | http://www.zaporozhye.net |
SE, Jonsered | Domaininfo AB, ICANN Accredited Registrar | http://www.domaininfo.com |
RO, Constanta | S.C. MODAREX S.R.L., ISP | http://www.modarex.ro |
UA, Kiev | Wyzov, Ltd., Hosting Service Provider | http://www.postsquare.com |
UA, Dnepropetrovsk | CREATOR ON-LINE, ISP | http://www.creator.dp.ua |
CZ, Praha | GLOBE INTERNET, s.r.o., ISP | http://www.globe-internet.cz |
UA, Kharkov | ABC, JV, ISP, Computer Manufacturer and Supplier | http://www.abc.kharkov.ua |
UA, Donetsk | STC FTICOM, JSC, ISP, Information about Donbass | http://www.donbass.net |
UA, Krivoy Rog | Comfort, Ltd., ISP | http://www.comfort.com.ua |
UA, Nikolaev | Wild Park, Ltd., ISP | http://www.wildpark.net |
UA, Alchevsk | GP MCF "Stix" MCF "Colibry", ISP | http://www.ivc.org.ua |
UA, Simferopol | CC CrimeaInfocom, ISP, Information about Crimea | http://www.crimeainfo.com |
UA, Kiev | TRIACOM, PR Agency | http://www.tria.com.ua |
UA, Odessa | YugSnab, Ltd., Web-design study "Profi" | http://www.stock.com.ua |
UA, Odessa | Yuriy Kilichenko., Commercial content | http://www.ukrinfo.net |
UA, Kherson | DLL, Ltd., ISP | http://www.ukrincom.net |
UA, Uzhgorod | TransNET, Information Portal | http://www.tn.uz.ua |
UA, Evpatoria | ST Display, Co. | http://www.evpatoria.com |
UA, Krivoy Rog | Octavia, Ltd., ISP | http://www.paradise.net.ua |
UA, Odessa | Fklan International, Ltd., Computer Service | http://www.fklan.com.ua |
UA, Krivoy Rog | Rian, Ltd., ISP, Computer Service | http://www.alba.dp.ua |
UA, Dneprodzerginsk | Satellite, ISP | http://www.atlas.dp.ua |
UA, Lugansk | SPCF "Micro-Unit", Ltd., ISP | http://www.unet.lg.ua |
UA, Kiev | Navigator-Online, ISP | http://www.naverex.net |
UA, Chernovtsy | Infocom, Ltd., ISP | http://www.infocom.cv.ua |
UA, Uzhgorod | WestPortal, Ltd., ISP | http://www.westportal.net |
UA, Donetsk | STELS, ISP | http://www.stels.net |
UA, Gorlovka | Red Line ltd., ISP | http://www.redline.com.ua |
UA, Odessa | Int-Media Ltd., Web-Design Agency | http://www.int-media.net |
UA, Kherson | Selena Inc., ISP | http://www.selena.net.ua |
UA, Cherkassy | Routec Inc., ISP | http://www.routec.net |
UA, Kharkov | Nord.Vostok Ltd., ISP | http://www.nord.net.ua |
AU, Sydney | CN Global Pty Limited, Domain Registrar, Web design, eCommerce | http://www.cnglobal.com.au |
DE, Mainburg | Getstream.com, Inc. | http://www.getstream.com |
UA, Donetsk | Donpharmholding, ISP | http://www.euromb.com |
UA, Sevastopol | NeoTelecom Internet, ISP | http://www.neo-tele.com |
UA, Kiev | Janus, ISP | http://www.janus.net.ua |
UK, London | NetNames, ICANN Accredited Registrar | http://www.netnames.com |
UA, Kolomyia | YES, ISP | http://www.yes.net.ua |
UA, Odessa | OPTIMUM Web Service Agency | http://www.optimum-web.com.ua |
DE, Worms | Humberg Computertechnik, Hardware, Webhosting, Networking | http://www.humberg.de |
UA, Kirovograd | RadiOKom, ISP, Mobile Communications Services | http://www.radiokom.kr.ua |
DK, Broendby | Web Solutions I/S, Domain Registrar | http://www.web-solutions.dk |
UA, Kiev | Avi Style Company, The Internet Idea Factory | http://www.easy.net.ua |
UA, Odessa | Telnet, Ltd., ISP | http://www.odtel.net |
RU, Moscow | ADV, Design Agency | http://www.adv.ru |
SD, Khartoum | Sudanet Co, ISP | http://www.sudanmail.net |
ES, Madrid |
Internet Names World WIde | http://www.inww.es |
UA, Cherkassy | Intercom Ukraine | http://www.icu.net.ua |
UA, Poltava | Poltava Infocom, ISP | http://www.infocom.poltava.ua |
UA, Gorlovka | Private Company "GISP", ISP | http://www.gisp.com.ua |
SE, Stockholm | The International Trading Group, International trading of products/services | http://www.tjohoo.se |
UA, Nikolaev | DiaWest Ltd. | http://www.diawest.mk.ua |
UA, Lugansk | SPA Telecom ltd., Computer technologies, ISP | http://www.tele.com.ua |
UA, Kiev | Colocall, Ltd., Internet Data Center, ISP | http://www.colocall.net |
RU, Moscow | CCCMOS, Ltd., Internet-Intranet technologies, Web design, Computer Systems | http://www.cccmos.com |
US, Los Angeles, CA | eBrandSecure, LLC., Domains Registrar | http://www.ebrandsecure.com |
UA, Kiev | Computer Service, LTD., Computer technologies, ISP | http://www.compuserv.com.ua |
UA, Odessa | TEKOM, Ltd., Information Technology, ISP | http://www.tekom.odessa.ua |
UA, Sumy | Pavlabor, Ltd. Official registrar in UA ccTLD | http://www.soyuz.com.ua |
UK, London | Computer Patent Annuities Limited Partnership Ltd., Domains Management | http://www.cpaglobal.com |
