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  • Domain registration in domains 3LDs .COM.RU, and etc.
  • Domain Registration in Geographical domains
  • Sample Application
  • Database information change
  • Object removal from Database
  • Domain name disputes
  • GEOGRAPHICAL Domain names


    General Rules for Preparing Applications.Examples of Preparation of Applications

    All questions related to object registration in RIPN database should be addressed to

    An application is an e-mail letter containing information to be entered in RIPN database.


    How to compile an application.

    Any application should begin with the following fields:


    Optional field. It determines the language to be used for automatic messages and comments related to the application. May contain one of the following values:

    • RU - automatic messages and comments are sent in Russian;
    • EN - automatic messages and comments are sent in English.

    In the absence of field "lang" in the application automatic messages and comments related to the application are sent in English (in accordance with EN value).


    Optional field. Establishes the actions implemented on the basis of templates represented in the application. It may contain one of the following values:

    • NEW - enter new information in RIPN database;
    • UPDATE - update information in RIPN database;
    • GET - GET receive complete object-related information from RIPN database, including fields [Hidden].

      Procedure for receiving complete information on application is described in the section "Receiving complete object information with "GET" function.

    In absence of field "action" in the application the templates received are considered to be intended for entering new information in RIPN database (in accordance with NEW value).


    Optional field. It is necessary in cases when update of data is allowed only to the appropriate maintainer using password authorization (CRYPT-PW). The password should be given in the letter not coded.


    Forms with data for registration of objects should follow next.

    Each form in the application creates a new object in RIPN database or updates the data in the existing object.

    An application may contain one or several forms of various types. Each of these forms should have its own heading - its titles enclosed in #[]# brackets.

    For example, an application may contain several forms with person data, each of these forms should begin with access address #[PERSON TEMPLATE]#

    These are the types of forms with data:

    • form with data of a person #[PERSON TEMPLATE]#;
    • form with description of a maintainer #[MAINTAINER TEMPLATE]#;
    • form with data of an organization #[ORGANIZATION TEMPLATE]#;
    • form with description of a domain #[DOMAIN TEMPLATE]#.


    References to any objects in the forms with data should be made as follows:

    • If the object referred to is registered in RIPN database, it is required that references to it be made only by unique identifier assigned to the object during its registration (NIC-handle).

    • If the object referred to is not registered in RIPN database, it is required that the application should contain its registration form. In this case the reference to the given object is made by its title (field "org" for organization) or by name (field "person" for person).

    For example, domain description form #[DOMAIN TEMPLATE]# is given in the application. Domain description form includes the field "admin-o", where the unique identifier of the organization registered in RIPN database should be specified.

    If the organization indicated in "admin-o" field is not registered in RIPN database, the application shall provide the form for registration of this organization #[ORGANIZATION TEMPLATE]#. The title of this organization should be specified in field "admin-o" of domain template exactly the same way it is specified in the field "org" of form #[ORGANIZATION TEMPLATE]# for this organization.

    Failing which your application will be automatically processed. You will be sent a robot message that the object referred to is not registered in the database.


    An application may contain only those templates that are supported by one maintainer.

    In cases when objects have to be created or data have to be updated in the objects supported by various maintainers, the appropriate templates should be sent in separate applications.

    An application should end with #[TEMPLATES END]# access address.


    Completed application should be sent not packed and not coded by e-mail to for processing.

    After the templates included in the application are processed, you will be sent a confirmation of the actions completed, notified of the unique object identifiers created, and in case of detection of errors committed during completion of templates, a message with description of each error will be sent to you.

    IMPORTANT! Mail received from users of mailer-daemon, uucp, cron and postmaster is not processed and not provided with answers.

    Examples of completion of applications.

    Application for registration of domain.

    lang: RU
    action: NEW
    passwd: QWERTY123


    type: CORPORATE
    descr: Corporate domain for Joint Stock Company Newtime
    admin-o: Joint Stock Company Newtime
    bill-o: DC44-ORG-RIPN
    mnt-by: NTIME1-MNT-RIPN
    source: RIPN


    mntner: NTIME1-MNT-RIPN
    descr: Joint Stock Company Newtime Technical Support
    mnt-adm: Joint Stock Company Newtime
    tech-c: Sidor S Sidorov
    tech-c: Ivan I Ivanov
    auth: MAIL-FROM
    auth: CRYPT-PW VASYA007
    auth: MAIL-FROM
    auth: CRYPT-PW QWERTY123
    mnt-by: NTIME1-MNT-RIPN
    source: RIPN


    org: Joint Stock Company Newtime
    org-r: АО "Новое время"
    code: 1234567891 12345678 12345
    bank: р/счет: 00000000000000123456, в АКБ "СЕТЬ-БАНК",
    bank: к/счет: 00000000000001234567, БИК: 098765432
    admin-c: VIP311-RIPN
    bill-c: VIP311-RIPN
    address: Joint Stock Company Newtime
    address: 13a, Sobachkina str.,
    address: 123456, Moscow, Russia
    address-r: 123456, Москва,
    address-r: ул.Собачкина, д.13а
    p-addr: 123456, Москва,
    p-addr: ул.Собачкина, д.13а
    p-addr: ЗАО "Новое Время"
    p-addr: Отдел телекоммуникаций
    p-addr: Иванову Ивану Ивановичу
    phone: +7 095 1234567
    phone: +7 095 1234568
    phone: +7 095 1234569
    fax-no: +7 095 1234560
    mnt-by: NTIME1-MNT-RIPN
    source: RIPN


    person: Ivan I Ivanov
    address: Joint Stock Company Newtime
    address: 13a, Sobachkina str.
    address: 123456, Moscow, Russia
    phone: +7 095 1234588
    phone: +7 095 1234589
    fax-no: +7 095 1234590
    mnt-by: NTIME1-MNT-RIPN
    source: RIPN


    person: Sidor S Sidorov
    person-r: Сидоров Сидор Сидорович
    passport: XXX-AB 123456
    passport: выдан 123 отделением милиции г.Москвы,
    passport: 30.01.1990
    birth-date: 18.10.1965
    address: Joint Stock Company Newtime
    address: 13a, Sobachkina str.
    address: 123456, Moscow, Russia
    p-addr: 123456, Москва,
    p-addr: ул.Кошкина, д.15, кв.4
    p-addr: Сидорову Сидору Сидоровичу
    phone: +7 095 1234567
    phone: +7 095 1234568
    fax-no: +7 095 1234560
    mnt-by: NTIME1-MNT-RIPN
    source: RIPN


    Application for update of data of an organization

    lang: RU
    action: UPDATE
    passwd: QWERTY123


    org: Joint Stock Company Newtime
    org-r: АО "Новое время"
    code: 1234567891 12345678 12345
    bank: р/счет: 00000000000000123478, в АКБ "СЕТЬ-БАНК",
    bank: к/счет: 00000000000001234589, БИК: 098765431
    admin-c: VIP311-RIPN
    bill-c: VIP311-RIPN
    address: Joint Stock Company Newtime
    address: 13a, Sobachkina str.,
    address: 123456, Moscow, Russia
    address-r: 123456, Москва,
    address-r: ул.Собачкина, д.13а
    p-addr: 123456, Москва,
    p-addr: ул.Собачкина, д.13а
    p-addr: ЗАО "Новое Время"
    p-addr: Отдел телекоммуникаций
    p-addr: Иванову Ивану Ивановичу
    phone: +7 095 1234567
    phone: +7 095 1234568
    phone: +7 095 1234569
    fax-no: +7 095 1234560
    mnt-by: NTIME1-MNT-RIPN
    source: RIPN


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